Tag Archives: True to yourself

Making Choices In Life-There Are Only 2 Ways To Seeing It!

Life is a matter of choices. There is no definite rule to say that you are supposed to act upon only a particular decision. We make choices in our lives. Some choices are clear and definite while many others can be very uncertain. When given such circumstances, how would you have reacted? Do you decide on it based on your first instinct? Or do you let it soak into you, taking some time off to weigh the pros and cons of it. What if there isn’t much time? What if you are required to make a decision right at that very instance? Uncertain of how things will turn out, how would you choose?

The choices in life we make today often determine how we’ll live tomorrow. I am not talking about tomorrow’s breakfast; either to have cereal or pancakes. What I really meant was how we are living our life today will shape the very core foundation of our future; as to how your present condition is based on your past. Still, no one is certain. Neither I nor you would have a single clue to where it’ll eventually bring us. So where should we based our choices from, if we aren’t sure of ourselves if we will ever get there?

A Higher Power, Perhaps?

There has got to be something you have to believe in; karma, instinct, intuition, hunch, universe, faith, God, whatever that may be, you have got to believe that there is a certain higher power to life; of which you are able to draw strength from. I have had the privilege to experience how living has been from both sides of the page. One that believes in Faith and God and the other that doesn’t.

Seeing With The Eyes

Our visions are very limited. There is no denial in that. We have eyes for sight and yet how many of us are truly ‘seeing’? What we are capable of looking at though our eyes are merely just things around us. We see cars, we see buildings, we see people, we see occasions, and if you happen to be at the right moment in time, you get to see certain incidences. But if you only look through your eyes, what becomes of what you see? Sure enough, that a particular thought would have accompanied your sight but what becomes of it?

I didn’t come from a very religious family and I certainly am not brought up to be. Throughout my 20 years of life, the only conviction that I had principally built upon was based on a belief heavily influenced by the Society’s expectation. And when I live life as to how society expects me to be, I saw only through my eyes.

Society deems that happiness is equivalent to having many things, like luxurious cars, big houses, branded accessories. It also emphasizes that looking good and being beautiful is to having curvy model-like features and physique. If we were to allow ourselves to be built upon these elements, are we not only seeing through our eyes?

Please do not get me wrong. I am not saying that being rich or having fascinating feature is a wrong side to the story. You are eligible as anyone else is to achieve every form of richness the world has to offer. What sets you apart from the rest whilst having all is putting purpose and meaning to it. Which brings us to the below read.

Seeing With The Heart

Seeing with the heart allows us to build faith thus leading us towards God’s plan for us. When I see through my heart, I opened myself up completely. I learn to stop judging and relish the positive things that life has to offer despite whatever circumstances; this includes the bad and the ugly. Because I know that each one of us was put onto this Earth for a purpose. And that purpose is always for the greater good. God has His plans for me and you and I lived each day with faith so that one day, when He reveals it all, I will be ready to accept it.

I have experienced despair because I was trying to live up to others and society’s expectation. At times I succeeded, and other times I was beaten down. With determination, there is nothing that you wouldn’t be able to achieve. Is just in my case, the more I succeeded in allowing myself to believe that in order for me to be happy; I have to be that or have that, the more I agonized. I allowed myself no room for error and each time I was unsuccessful, I felt like a failure. I was ashamed and I couldn’t bear to face humiliation from the society of what I am incapable of; when truth is, I was the only one inflicting all these damages onto myself. No one really cares about how badly I screwed up or of my mistakes. No one is perfect, and who was I trying to be?

Then came my salvation through reading. I was afraid of seeking help; therefore I sought relief from books. By reading stories of people who have had much worst, how they come about living life honestly and what it really meant to be so; I was able to slowly release myself off of my own captive. When I do, I haven’t had a single thought if my life would have been for the better or worst. All I knew was that I wanted to get away from where I was.

With faith, I stepped out; one foot at a time. And as I opened myself up to people, conditions, suggestions, my mistakes and most importantly my past, I was able to receive so much more. I have learnt that true happiness radiates from the heart. Of course, we see but it is how we feel it in our hearts, that we are able to finally experience life much more than wanting to have this or that. Our actions are to our thoughts and our thoughts are to what we feel and/or see. So if you see with your heart, your actions will therefore come from it.

The other thing that I have learnt, in spite of any of the bad circumstances I was in, I am able to liberate myself by providing for the others. I may have lived through an awful childhood but I can provide my experiences and lessons that I have learnt to inspire others. I may not have had anyone to talk to during those times, but I hope to be someone you can relate to if you are walking a similar path that I did.

How Would You Choose Now?

It takes time; really! It is not necessary that you change anything other than your mindset right now. Start by opening yourself up; to all the good and bad. Don’t just hope for the best; be prepared to deal with the ugly circumstances too. You will come to a point where you will learn, grow and be your best through these hard times. Bear in mind that your journey is meant to bring out the greater good in you. Have faith that whatever will come your way; it is meant to be there to teach you something. Draw strength from that faith and in God’s plan for you.

Listen : Your Mind and Heart

We always tend to see our life as a constant battle for supremacy.

Many of us, whether you’ll admit it or not; always finds it hard to accept being wrong. We wanted to be admired, to be looked up and be the kind of person others would want to emulate upon. And when we have that need to be so, we often turn to things we BELIEVE could help us portray that kind of image.

Now, BELIEVING is a very strong mental affirmation we hold inside of ourselves. We are what we believe in and given the right amount of will and determination, anything is possible.

However, believing that having that nice, expensive car will make you happy isn’t true. Believing that if you’ll make that much amount of money, you’ll be content; isn’t true. Believing if you’ll render and allow yourself to fit in to groups you definitely know isn’t meant for YOU will turn your life better around; isn’t true and trust me; you’ll only find it worst.

We believe that if we could have XXX, we will be happy?

Yes. Happiness and self-fulfillment in life is what we strive for. But you won’t find happiness in things. You will definitely never find self-fulfillment going against your true-self. Because the world is constantly moving ahead and if you’ll allow your happiness to be determined by things and how much money you make, it will never be enough. There will always be something better to have and more money to make. When we allow ‘things’ or what others have in mind to define what we should be, we start losing pieces of ourselves.

I will be the first to admit that I used to be as what described above. I gave in to peer pressure and I used to think that I will be happy if I start looking better and have more money to spend.

Truth be told, I did went on to find happiness in things and having an image. I took on a job that I knew wasn’t in sync with my character; just because of how much it pays. I struggled and dreaded each day, because somehow inside of me, I knew I was going against myself. The money that I eventually made, I went on dressing myself up with branded things; I thought would define myself better. For the first few days, I carried it with pride. For a moment or so, I thought I was happy. But it didn’t take me long to finally realize these things, are merely just things. And they don’t serve any significant purpose that defines me to who I am truly inside. The things that I carry around every day; by the end of each day as I got home and placed it aside, I knew I hadn’t been happy. For all that I knew, I was going against myself. And with each day I carry on further, I felt that I was literally dying; inside.

If you are currently struggling and somehow knew that whatever you are doing right now doesn’t feel right, it probably is. Your true being is trying to communicate with you and who ought to know better of yourself other than you.

Don’t brush it aside. Don’t allow your true being to disappear, because whatever you are doing right now; isn’t right (and you know it). Have faith that if you were to take that first move to heed your calling; whether it be as simple as acknowledging your call or as bold as taking a step towards change, despite what lies ahead; allow me to assure you that your true plan and destiny is far greater that what you have now.

How would you know you are on the right track?

Peace. That is what you will feel inside and along the way.

One Courageous Step and A Whole Lot of Faith

It was every little girls dream to grow up being princesses, trotting away with her knight in shining armour. Not mine. As far as I am concerned, personally; I wanted to be that ‘knight’.

– Symphonie Pierze’s J

Growing up in an Asian country around fairly typical parents and family members, it wasn’t easy finding out exactly what I was experiencing. I have always felt different, but I couldn’t quite tell what it was that I am feeling inside. One thing in particular that I knew about was that I dreaded having my hair tied up; in fact I didn’t like the idea of having long hairs in the first place. I was anxious to be in skirts; such feeling of insecurity defies my personal dynamic character.

As I grew, I figured that I have both traits of being masculine and feminine at the same time; leaning towards the manlier side. That makes me a Tomboy; so as what I could have only possibly thought of about myself.

Needless to say, I felt peace knowing who I am inside. However, society can be cruel and being different at that time; the only way out was to ‘fit in’. Occasionally, I would privately explore around for information and images of other Tomboys online, wishing I could have been more open of myself. The following years were torment. The idea of fitting in meant I was not being true to myself and who I was. I wasn’t confident in the way I acted, dressed, talked, and walked; practically in anything I did, all for the sake of hopefully being accepted. I put on immense weight. I was under a lot of strain; unnecessary self-inflicted stresses as how I would like to think of it now. Eating and filling me up with food could have perhaps been the only thing I ever did enjoyed doing during those times.

I didn’t felt like I belonged anywhere. A part of me wanted to be true, but fear of what comes next held me back.

At practically what I considered as one of the most life-turning heights of my life, it hit me. I was left out, alone and ridiculed. The only matter that I have worked hard all along; getting myself fit in, has finally turned its back against me.

Like a lighting shock that ran through me, it felt like I have finally awaken from a long punishing nightmare. A torturous slumber that has kept me misplaced for the past 20 years of my life. I needed a change or I will be consumed by my own hands. All it takes was one courageous step and a whole darn lot of faith.